Thursday, April 30, 2009
Today is a day I will remember....the second half anyway.
First half, E Math and SS Paper were difficult! I still remember rushing for time for SS when I only had like 5 minutes to finish my Compare and Contrast. Don't get me started on E Math.
But after that, it was all fun. To Summarize:
- Group: Yan Zhou, Leon, Han Qi, Hamster, Me.
-- Lunch: Seoul Garden. Mishaps happen when you have a buffet ;).
-- Arcade. Guitarrr Heroo. Knights of Cydoniaaa.
Then, a trip to my Grandma's house to change to go to...
- Group: C2.
-- Dinner: Subway. $5.40 for any meal!
-- Hanging out at Reception. We love drawing on other's papers.
-- 24 Prayer.
Then, back home.
Main point of this entire group has to be 24 Prayer. First, we watched a video that tells us about how much prayer can do, how effective specific prayers are, and how much God's Will helps out the people who love them.
Second, it was the Prayer itself. It was... beautiful. I can't describe it, I cried.
Then, it was back home.
Typing this line. Yeah.