Friday, May 8, 2009
6-7am.Syli wakes up from a slumber, and looks at the clock. He decides to sleep somemore.
Syli wakes up. Syli goes to bathe.
Syli bathes finish. Syli prepares to go to school.
Syli reaches bus-stop. Syli waits for the bus.
Bus 75 comes. Syli goes on the bus.
Bus 75 reaches BPP Interchange. Syli wakes up and goes to take 920.
Bus 920 comes. Syli boards it.
Syli leaves the bus, heads to class.
Syli enters classroom, studies E Math and History.
Syli packs his stuff and leaves it at the front of the classroom to prepare for examinations.
E Math Paper 2 starts.
Syli does finish everything except for two questions. Syli freaks out.
9:35am. Syli finishes the two questions. Time up!
Syli goes to recess. And then studies for History.
Syli packs up History and waits for History paper.
Syli does History paper. Only does finish SBQ.
Syli finishes SEQ. Syli celebrates and complains of not doing conclusions.
Syli eats Lunch at School. Syli goes back home by Bus 920.
Syli gets of 920 at BPP and transfers to 184.
Syli rests at home, and plans to go to Guitar Workshop with Siok Mei before CG Meeting.
Syli is traveling to Bugis Station to meet Siok Mei.
Syli meets up with Siok Mei. Duo goes to Guitar Workshop at Bras Brasah Complex.
Syli learns of what needs to be repaired. Syli says okay.
Duo goes to a Christian Bookstore. Syli looks around. Syli is interested.
Duo goes to Paya Laber.
Duo meets up with CG.
CG hangs out at Recept at HoGC for awhile before CG Meeting.
CG Meeting. Worship Song: Depths of Your Love.
CG Dinner at Subway.
Syli eats Roasted Beef.
Syli claps whenever Nobody by Wonder Girls is sung.
Lots of things happened here.
Syli goes back to HoGC.
Syli emails details of note towards Events at Heart of God Church.
Syli protects Siok Mei's laptop until he realizes it's really late.
Syli goes back home on 154.
Syli is tired.
Syli is blogging about this now.
Syli goes to sleep now.
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